Such activities help to develop communicational skills, ability to make decisions, dealing with information and ability to achieve personal targets (finally!), and can be used in behavioral and psychological trainings and seminars. After all, this is beautiful opportunity for great spending time!
С 15 по 29 марта неформальная коалиция общественных организаций Санкт-Петербурга “Ксенофобии. NET” проведет кампанию против ксенофобии. В течение двух недель в городе пройдет около двадцати мероприятий, дискуссионных площадок и кинопоказов, направленных против проявления национализма, интолерантности и гомофобии. Время выбрано не случайно, т.к. именно в это время будет проходить Европейская Неделя акций против расизма и следом за ней, Российская […]
12Nov 2009
The delegation of Russian Social-Democratic Union of Youth will participate in the conference of leaders of organizations-members of the International Union of Socialist Youth of Black Sea Area (IUSY Black Sea Area leaders’ conference) “Committed to make changes”.
We are happily greeting Veronika Ignatuhina among us – the first volunteer in the frame of “European Voluntary Service”. Hip-hip, hurrah!
12Nov 2009
Representatives of Russian Social-Democratic Union of Youth and Union of Young Geargian Socialists will take part in the training. The major theme of the training – reasons of conflict uprising and methods of their resolution.
We are going to discuss fundamental ideas of social democracy, to show how we realize them in life of our organization, to discuss the situation in the country and the world
Seminar will take place in educational center of K. Lovenstain. Representatives of youth social-democratic organizations of Western and Eastern Europe, Middle East are invited to participate in the seminar. During the seminar participants will discuss particular reasons of some regional conflicts, as well as impact of the “market society”. The participants are supposed to propose their own ways […]
October 31 – November 1, 2009 in a boarding house “Sea Surf” (Zelenogorsk City) non-commercial partnership “Center of Social Assistance “Trust” with the support of the Committee on Youth Policy and Interaction with civil society organizations held a scientific-practical seminar “Migrants and the local community: prevention and resolution of local ethno-religious tensions on the basis of labor migration. […]
“Procession Against Hatred” will be held on October 31. This is the biggest street event in Russia dedicated to countering xenophobia. The slogans of the march: “Stop Xenophobia!” and “Russia Without Racism”. Action will be held for the sixth time, it is held in memory of the scientist-fascist Nikolai Girenko, who was killed in St. Petersburg June 19, […]