(По-русски) “Время неправды”, итоги августа 2009

October 25, 2009 RSDUY debate by the theme “Education: format VS unformat, Moscow – St. Petersburg

Opponents – Sergey Barinov (RSDUY Moscow) and Maxim Ivantsov (Youth Human Rights Group, St. Petersburg). Process moderates Sergey Simonov (Polit-Gramota). Guest speaker – Michael Epstein (St. Petersburg), PhD., Ideologist of the informal school, the author of “Nine Reasons Not To Go To School.”  We are waiting for you on October 25 at 4:00 p.m to the address: St. […]

(По-русски) 10 октября 2009 г. Видеоконференция с с JUSOS Rpl, Санкт-Петербург

October 10, 2009 March for the preservation of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg

Civic Coalition for Concerned Petersburg invites all residents of our city to come to the rally for the preservation of St. Petersburg. Venue: Sports Palace “Yubileyniy”, subway station ”Sportivnaya” at 00:00 p.m.

(По-русски) 20 сентября 2009: флеш-моб «Демарш экстремистов», Санкт-Петербург

(По-русски) 21 сентября 2009: “Полит-бой” ДПНИ против РСДСМ на тему толерантности и ксенофобии, Санкт-Петербург

September 21, 2009 “Polit-fight “: RSDUY vs MAII , St. Petersburg

Subject of debate: tolerance and xenophobia in Russia. Diametrically opposite positions on these issues made by the President of Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth Yevgeny Konovalov and Coordinator of Public Relations Movement Against Illegal Immigration (MAII )- Petersburg Andrey Kuznetsov. Everyone who will come be able to become a full participant in the discussions and ask your […]

September, 20, 2009 “The Demarche Of Extremists”, Saint-Petersburg

September 20 in St. Petersburg will host a flash mob called a ”The Demarche Of Extremists”. The action aims: to inform the public about the fact that the state constantly interferes in the affairs of civil society, hindering its development at all levels and create a network of all-Russia counter this phenomenon. The flash-mobers are members of various […]

September, 12-13, 2009 Role-playing game RSDUY “Novgorod vs Moscow”, St. Petersburg

This intellectual & sport event is based on relations between the first democratic republic Novgorod and Moscow princedom. Games goals: 1. educational – participants will be able to get to know interesting historical facts of the period; try different behavior styles (Democratic & authoritarian) when making decision, evaluate their efficiency in various situations. 2. entertainment – there will […]

(По-русски) “Время неправды”, второй выпуск