(По-русски) 15 апреля 2009 г. Дебаты кандидатов в председатели Социал-демократического союза молодежи, г. Санкт-Петербург

(По-русски) 14 апреля 2009 г. Встреча с внешнеполитическим советником социал-демократической фракции Бундестага Уве Штером, г. Санкт-Петербург

(По-русски) 12 апреля 2009 г. Участие в информационно-аналитической программе “В конце недели” на Красном ТВ

(По-русски) 1 апреля 2009 г. Пикет “За отмену призыва на военную службу!”, Санкт-Петербург

(По-русски) 30 марта 2009 г. Участие в телепередаче “Полит-грамота” на тему борьбы с ксенофобией на политическом уровне, телеканал ВОТ, Санкт-Петербург

March, 25-29, 2009 Film Festival against racism and xenophobia “Open your eyes!”, St. Petersburg

From 25th to 29th of March in the framework of the European week against racism an international Film Festival “Open Your Eyes!” will take place in Saint-Petersburg. A Festival was thought as an independent public forum for discussions and exchange of opinions on possibilities of overcoming the problem of racism and xenophobia in Saint-Petersburg, Russia and Europe. The […]

15-29 March 2009 Campaign against xenophobia – “Xenophobii.Net” (No to xenophobia”), Saint-Petersburg

Campaign is held by informal coalition “Xenophobii.Net” (No to xenophobia”), which unites public, political, human rights organisations for collaboration of efforts in opposing any kinds of xenophobia. At the moment following organisations participate in the activity of the coalition: movement “For Russia without racism”, LGBT organisation “Vyhod” («Coming Out»), Russian-German Exchange, youth movement “Oborona (Defence)-Petersburg”, Russian LGBT-net, history-educational […]

Radio station Echo Moskvy will be official informational sponsor of the Film Festival Against Racism and Xenophobia “Open Your Eyes!”


February 27, 2009 Conference “Reforms of the higher education in contemporary Russia: content and consequences”, Saint-Petersburg


(По-русски) 25 февраля 2009 г. Дебаты РСДСМ на тему “Левые” и религия”, Санкт-Петербург