29ago 2008
Joint Declaration against war in Southern Ossetia
We as Young Socialists – Jusos Rhineland-Palatinate and the Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth support the peace sanction of any sort of conflicts and we condemn application of violence over any of the parties that are in confrontation, especially concerning the peaceful population, humanitarian and medical institutions. War is always the end of politics – conflicts have to be solved peacefully.
For the prompt termination of bloodshed we consider necessary immediate cease-fire, returning of the Georgian armies to initial positions, a call-off of the Russian armed forces which are not having the mandate of the United Nations and the beginning of meaningful dialogue with a view of a finding of a peace way of joint residing of different nationalities in territory of South Ossetia.
On the given incident an independent commission of the United Nations should be created with the purpose of investigation of a situation and a finding guilty of victims both among the peace population and among peace-making forces.
Military Service
Constraint Military Service is always a deep cut to the libertarian rights of young people. Our vision of future is a just world without militaristic ambitions.
Military Service should not be obligatory. The civil service has to be the equal time period like the military service. The right to carry out for civil service has to be clear for the citizens. No one working in this services has to be set out torture or any acts against his/her fundamental human rights.
Fighting Rightwing extremism in Russia and Germany
A clear point of both organisations is that rightwing extremism with al its inhuman ideology and violence against people is defeated by us. To work against rightwing extremists differs in our countries. An example that can be pointed out is the film festival Open Your Eyes for the Russian side – on the other hand it is the work of Network of Democracy and Courage (NDC) or the street action “Your voice against rightwing extremism” http://www.stimme-gegen-rechts.de/
Therefore an aim of the partnership is to arrange different actions against r.w.e. in cooperation and during the same time. One thing for the German side is to realise a movie festival like the annual movie festival of the SDUY. The Jusos will struggle to bring examples from the methods of the work of NDC to SDUY for their school projects against r.w.e. with the title “open the world”. If the SDUY wants to join the street action “Your voice against rightwing extremism” Jusos RLP will support the SDUY to realise it in Russia.
Social responsible business
We want to have companies which try to be social responsible in the way of their internal structures and either for the society. The government should clearly support these best practices companies. We fight together for economic democracy in cooperation with free and independent trade unions and also with social responsible companies. Representative participation of employees in a company is for the advantage of all – both employees and entrepreneurs.
Ecological responsibility is necessary for saving environment. For us it is an important because the ecological topic is also a social topic. We support the organisations which work on this. Emancipation has to start the minds of people – therefore we do political education. Social democratic organisations don’t tell people just what to do or to belief – we want that everybody recognize his / her situation and react in a social responsible way.
Next visit in Germany 2009 – Outlook
The Jusos Rhineland-Palatinate kindly invite a delegation of SDUY to visit Germany in summer 2009. We also really would look forward to meet each other at the IUSY Festival in Hungary. The biggest festival of social democratic and socialist youth all over the world.
But not that alone – also our gatherings beside the delegation meetings shout be continued. Like the participation of SDUY members during the summer school of Jusos Rhineland-Palatinate or the invitations to visit our conferences. Even the distance between Mainz and St. Petersburg is quite big and the bureaucracy hurdles with getting visa are high we will not give up. For example we will go on with regularly video conferences. The joint declaration against war is a good sample for working together on topics. This all together in addition with real friendship between our comrades makes our partnership vital and alive. A good basis for future activities.
Saint Petersburg, the 10th of September 2009