martes, 14 mayo 2013
Октябрь 2012 (с изменениями Май 2013) С момента своего возвращения в президентское кресло В.В.Путин усиливает в России режим личной диктатуры и шаг за шагом реставрирует тоталитарное государство. За несколько месяцев карманная дума приняла ряд антидемократических законов против свободы проведения собраний и митингов, антиклерикальных выступлений, личной свободы, ЛГБТ – сообщества, против НКО (закон об иностранных агентах). На данный момент […]
viernes, 27 mayo 2011
Весь мир на протяжении нескольких месяцев наблюдает, как разворачиваются драматичные события в Ливии, при этом, до сих пор нет однозначного ответа на вопрос: кому следует оказать поддержку в данной ситуации? Бывший лидер этого государства, Муамар Каддафи, имеющий на своих счетах более 70 млрд. долларов США., отдав приказы расстреливать демонстрации оппозиции и репрессировать мирное население на восставших территориях, проявил […]
martes, 30 junio 2009
Evgeny Konovalov Chairman of the Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth (RSDUY) and member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Social Democrats (lead by M. Gorbachev) was dismissed from Russian state company for his political and public activity. Three weeks before that (June 3) Evgeny was hired on a position of a head of department of […]
miércoles, 22 abril 2009
Dear voters! In my opinion, the organisation should develop, grow up to new level. These are, firstly, the strategic planning carried out openly and collectively, and, secondly, active SDUY positioning on the political field of St.-Petersburg as carrier and the practical executor of democracy ideas on the basis of maintenance of social guarantees that can really help. The […]
jueves, 12 febrero 2009
sábado, 13 diciembre 2008
We, the Union of Socialist Youth of Georgia and the Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth, make a statement about our common principal position. We believe that modern world should be based on human values. Violent and bloody resolution of conflicts is absolutely unacceptable. Confrontations should be resolved only through negotiations. We condemn use of violence from Russian […]
viernes, 29 agosto 2008
Joint Declaration against war in Southern Ossetia We as Young Socialists – Jusos Rhineland-Palatinate and the Russian Social Democratic Union of Youth support the peace sanction of any sort of conflicts and we condemn application of violence over any of the parties that are in confrontation, especially concerning the peaceful population, humanitarian and medical institutions. War is always […]
domingo, 10 agosto 2008
Joint resolution about military conflict in Southern Ossetia On August, 6 and 7 shootings and bombings started in Southern Ossetia and on August, 8th Georgian military forces crossed the border, using different weapons to set up control under territory, that was not recognized by international community as independent, but is independent in fact and is under defense of […]
viernes, 26 enero 2007
«The Government should not force the individual citizen if she does not wish to sacrifice itself in the name of the blessing of the crowd». (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) Did somebody from you experience a situation when your parents asked whom you wish to become in the future? And when you answered for example: “I’d like to be the artist”, […]